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Writings on Traditionis Custodes 
and the CDW Responsa

Nota Bene: Most of the following texts on Traditionis Custodes, as well as dozens of others, have been published in the anthology From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War (Angelico Press, 2021).

July 16, 2021

Traditionis Custodes: The New Atom Bomb” (The Remnant) [also: Spanish; German]

Interview with Cameron O’Hearn: “Did Pope Francis Just Ban the Latin Mass? Reaction to ‘Traditionis Custodes’” 

Round table discussion on Restoring the Faith’s The Rundown!

July 17

TLM Celebrants: Keep Doing the Readings in Latin—Add Vernacular as Appropriate” (New Liturgical Movement)

July 20

Given its foundational falsehoods, does Traditionis Custodes lack juridical standing?” (LifeSite News; cross-posted 7/21 at Rorate Caeli) [also: Italian]

July 21

Dr. Kwasniewski on Traditionis Custodes: Worst Papal Document in History” (extensive interview at The Remnant) [Spanish; German]

July 28

It’s Time to Imitate Our Forefathers: Never Give Up!” (OnePeterFive) [also: Italian]

July 30

Transitioning from a Time of Peace to a Time of Struggle” (OnePeterFive) [also: Italian]

August 3

The Pope’s Boundenness to Tradition as a Legislative Limit: Replying to Ultramontanist Apologetics” (Rorate Caeli) [also: Italian; GermanSpanish]

August 4

Gearing Up for the Long Campaign” (OnePeterFive) [also: Italian]

August 13

Why Restricting the TLM Harms Every Parish Mass” (Crisis Magazine)

August 16

Crocodile Tears and Hand-Wringing: No GPS Coordinates for the Unicorn” (The Remnant)

August 18

Andrea Grillo: The Mind Behind the Motu Proprio” (OnePeterFive) [also: Italian]

August 24

When a Bishop Outlaws Private Traditional Masses” (OnePeterFive)

October 13

Clandestine Ordinations Against Church Law: Lessons from Cardinal Wojtyła and Cardinal Slipyj (OnePeterFive)



December 17, 2021

True Obedience: A Key Consideration for Our Time (OnePeterFive)

December 18

A Supreme Moment of Decision, Courtesy of 'Divine Worship'” (OnePeterFive)

December 22

"Are Traditionalists Guilty of Private Judgment over the Pope?" (OnePeterFive)

December 23

"True Obedience vs. Revolution in the Church" (Crisis Magazine)

December 27

"Cardinal Cupich’s Chicago Template: The Vatican-endorsed Litmus Test" (Rorate Caeli)

January 5, 2022

“O, What a Tangled Web…”: Thirty-Three Falsehoods in the CDW’s Responsa ad Dubia (OnePeterFive)

January 26

"Priests Who Want Holy Water Must Use the ‘Rituale’—Despite Episcopal Prohibition" (OnePeterFive)

May 4

"Why Ecclesia Dei Communities Should Avoid Concelebrating the Chrism Mass" (OnePeterFive)

May 11

"Newly Ordained Priests and Permission to Offer the Traditional Latin Mass (OnePeterFive)

June 29

"Daringly Balanced on One Point” [on Desiderio Desideravi] (OnePeterFive)




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