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That rare person nowadays who still enjoys holding a physical book in hand, reading words on a soothing non-flickering background, feeling the soft paper, marking a passage with pen or pencil or highlighter, dog-earing a favorite page—this person, I say, discovers, in the vaults of university libraries, at used bookstores, or by lucky links online, a lot of hidden gems—books that were first published 50, 75, 100 years ago or even more, which have long since fallen out of print and yet very much deserve to be back in print for new readers. This is all the more true today, when conservative and traditional Catholics are searching for substantial, reliable, and profound writing after decades of featherweight pablum and heavyweight heresy.
For all these reasons, I launched OS JUSTI PRESS, a small enterprise dedicated primarily to publishing high-quality editions of old classics that are either totally out of print or exist only in crummy editions. These books feature beautiful wrap-around color covers. The interior is a facsimile of the original. The prices are low. OS JUSTI also occasionally publishes new books (for example, our very popular Missal for Young Catholics) or newly typeset editions of old books (Guardini’s Sacred Signs). The anthology John Henry Newman on Worship, Reverence, and Ritual is, to date, the most important addition to the catalog:
To find out more about a particular title,
click the provided link and read the description on Amazon.
Where available, I have included links to further information.
The Mass: A Liturgical Commentary (2 vols.)
By Canon A. Croegaert. Trans. J. Holland Smith. Vol. 1: The Mass of the Catechumens (x + 251 pp. $17.95); Vol. 2: The Mass of the Faithful (x + 311 pp. $18.95). For more information, see here.
By Rev. Pius Parsch. Trans. William Nayden and Carl Hoegerl. First published in 1952 by Herder in St. Louis. Paperback, viii + 459 pp. $19.95.
By A. M. Crofts, O.P. First published in 1953 by the Newman Press in Westminster, MD. $17.95. See a photo and table of contents here.
Holy Mass: Approaches to the Mystery
By A. M. Roguet, O.P. First published in 1953 by The Liturgical Press at Collegeville. $12.95. See a photo and table of contents here.
A Manual of Catholic Theology, Based on Scheeben's "Dogmatik"
By Joseph Wilhelm, D.D., Ph.D., and Thomas B. Scannell, B.D., with a Preface by Henry Edward Cardinal Manning. Volume I: The Sources of Theological Knowledge; God; Creation and the Supernatural Order (508 pp. $24.95); Volume II: The Fall; Redemption; Grace; The Church and the Sacraments; The Last Things (566 pp. $29.95). For more information on this set, see here.
By Matthias Scheeben. Trans. Cyril Vollert, S.J. 386 pp. $18.95.
St. Thomas Aquinas: Papers from the 1924 Summer School of Catholic Studies at Cambridge
Ed. Cuthbert Lattey. xii + 311 pp. $19.95. For more information, see here.
The Incarnation: Papers from the 1925 Summer School of Catholic Studies at Cambridge
Ed. Cuthbert Lattey. xviii + 261 pp. $18.95. For more information, see here.
God: His Knowability, Essence, and Attributes
By Msgr. Joseph Pohle. 486pp. $19.95. From a highly-praised series of Thomistic textbooks. Fr. Pohle's work is characterized by its readable style, copious citations of sources, organizational clarity, and engagement with modern questions. For more information, see here.
The Author of Nature and the Supernatural: Creation, Anthropology, and Angelology
By Msgr. Joseph Pohle. 372 pp. $17.95. A fine treatment of its subject, which is God as creator and sanctifier of the entire universe and, in a special way, of the intellectual creatures, namely, angels and men. For more information, see here.
God in Me: Sanctifying Grace or the Mystery of God's Life in Us
By Rev. Matthew Swizdor. 160 pp. $12.79. For more information, see here.
By Romano Guardini. 58p. $7.00 In this profound little work, originally published in 1911, Fr. Romano Guardini speaks with poetic wisdom about the fundamental language of symbols out of which the Sacred Liturgy is woven. When we speak this language fluently, we can offer ourselves, body and soul, more completely to the Lord. For samples of the content, see here and here .
The Life of Worship: Grace, Prayer, Sacraments, and the Sacred Liturgy
By a Seminary Professor. A high-level Question & Answer book on these topics, with much fascinating and beautiful detail. Originally published in French in 1895; this English version from 1920. xvi + 814 pp. $29.95. For more information, see here.
By John Farrow. This isn't exactly "catechetical," but that's perhaps the best category to place it in. A well-written history of the popes from Peter down to Pius XII. $18.85.
Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant
By Dominic Keller, O.S.B. A handy 80-page book introducing its subject, based on the classic Solesmes method. A fine tool for self-study or classroom use. $9.95. See a photo and table of contents here.
Roman Martyrology (Pocket Edition)
By the Catholic Church. This is the last edition of the traditional Martyrology published before the Second Vatican Council; hence it is the one that should be used in pursuance of Summorum Pontificum. A more expensive hardcover is available. This very small-sized book (without extra front matter or the lengthy index of names) is good for traveling or for those who simply wish to have the list of saints commemorated each day. $12.95. Read more here.
By Fr. William Doyle, SJ. First published in 1913. Many editions in Ireland and beyond. vi + 48. Paperback, $7.00. To read more about this book, visit here.
By Peter Kwasniewski. 64 pp. $12.49 at Amazon; $18.87 at Lulu . The two editions are identical in content; the difference in price is due to Lulu’s using a thicker, glossier paper. For more information, see here and here.
The Sacrifice of the Mass Worthily Celebrated
Rev. Pierre Chaignon, SJ. Trans. Most Rev. Louis de Goesbriand. With a preface and meditation aids by Dom Bede Babo, OSB. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1951. Repr. Os Justi Press, 2018. x + 214 pp. Paperback, $14.95. For more information, see here.
Ed. Dom Joseph Pothier. (The same with an alternative cover design here) 160 pp. $24.95. A full-color facsimile of the 1903 exemplar. For more information, see here.
The True Vine and Its Branches
By Rev. Edward Leen, S.J. 280 pp. $17.95. A study of Jesus Christ as the new Adam, and the way in which all things human are re-established in Him. By the gift of incorporation into His Body and by the gift of His grace, each Christian lives and moves and IS in Him. This is the central mystery of our existence as “sons in the Son,” the deepest source of our identity, our direction in life, our consolation, our ability to suffer, our promise of victory. For more information, see here.
Selections from “The Little Flowers of St. Francis"
Years ago in Austria, I found a small rare book, called on its cover Franz von Assisi, and on its title page Legenden vom Heiligen Franz. The pocket-sized book, only 106 pages, contains selections from The Little Flowers of Saint Francis, translated by Karl Toth and illustrated by Maximilian Liebenwein. It appeared as part of the Kleine Amalthea-Bücherei from the Amalthea Verlag, Zürich-Wien-Leipzig, in 1921. The illustrations are vigorous, clear, and dramatic, with the strong graphic design of their time period. Of particular note are the eight full-color plates, which were printed with gold, blue, and red, and then colored in with pencils. I have reprinted this book in two editions, a hardcover for $29.95 and a paperback for $14.95. This book makes an excellent gift. For more information, including many sample pages, see here.
Anthology of Catholic Poets: 200 Years of Catholic English Poetry
Ed. Joyce Kilmer. 422 pp. $18.49.
The Catholic Anthology: The World's Great Catholic Poetry
Ed. Thomas Walsh. 602 pp. $25.95. In the words of the editor: “The Catholic Anthology is intended primarily as a selection of Catholic poems written by Catholics and bearing the impress of Catholic dogma, tradition and life; so that the editor has purposely chosen the completely Catholic utterances of his poets in preference, sometimes, to their pieces of general aesthetical charm.”
Latin in the Church: The History of Its Pronunciation
By F. Brittain. 98 pp. Last edition 1954. $9.95.