The Roman Forum ("Gardone-in-Exile"). Huntington, NY, July 2021. Two lectures on Saturday, July 3.
Third Summorum Pontificum Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico, June 10-13, 2021. Two lectures.
“Christian Militancy in the Prayer of the Church: Battle-Ready—or Gun-Shy?” Lecture at the Catholic Identity Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 25, 2020.
Five lectures in New Jersey/Pennsylvania/Ohio, September 19-23, 2020. (Details here.)
Four lectures in Houston, November 23-24, 2019. (Details here.)
Lecture in Minneapolis, November 13, 2019. (Details here.)
Two lectures in Rhode Island, October 26-27, 2019. (Details here.)
“What Good is a Changing Catechism? Revisiting the Purpose and Limits of a Book.” Lecture at the Union League Club in Chicago, Luncheon of the Catholic Citizens of Illinois, Friday, June 14, 2019. Text available here.
Sacred Liturgy Conference, Spokane, OR, May 28-31, 2019. Lectures on Catholic tradition and on Gregorian chant.
Four lectures in Michigan: Detroit; Jackson; Windsor. (Details here.)​
Many lectures given in Australia March-April 2019. For a complete list, see this post or this post.
“Hyperpapalism and Liturgical Mutation: The Case Against the Novus Ordo.” Second Annual Lepanto Conference, St. Vincent Ferrer, New York, NY, February 16, 2019.
“Poets, Lovers, Children, Madmen—and Worshipers: Why We Repeat Ourselves in the Liturgy.” St. Mary’s parish, Norwalk, Connecticut, February 14, 2019.
“Ten Ways to Get More Out of Mass, with the Help of Catholic Tradition.” St Anne's Catholic Church, Hamel, MN, January 10, 2019.
“Why Catholic Tradition is Not Optional or Incidental—Especially in the Liturgy.” Hosted by All Saints Catholic Church, Minneapolis, MN, January 9, 2019.
“On Living Tradition: The Basic Good of Catholic Culture and the Spiritual Discipline of Fine Art.” 2018 Conference of the Catholic Art Guild, Chicago, IL, November 4, 2018.
“Liturgical Chant: Wellspring, Model, and Heart of All Liturgical Music.” St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church, Whiting, Indiana, November 3, 2018.
“Tradition as Ultimate Norm: Clearing up Confusion about Essentials and Incidentals.”
“The Keys” (Catholic Writers’ Guild), Farm Street Parish Hall, London, UK, October 31, 2018.
“Liturgical Reform, Ars Celebrandi, and the Crisis on Marriage and Family.” Our Lady and St Augustine, Warwick Street, London, UK. October 30, 2018.
“Tradition as Ultimate Norm: Clearing up Confusion about Essentials and Incidentals.” Church of St Anne Line, South Woodford, London, UK. October 28, 2018.
“On Living Tradition: The Basic Good of Catholic Culture and the Spiritual Discipline of Fine Art.” Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate, Kent, UK. October 28, 2018.
“The Spirit and Spirituality of Gregorian Chant.” Talk at LMS Aylesford Pilgrimage,
Aylesford Priory, UK, October 27, 2018.
“Pillar and Ground of the Roman Rite: The Roman Canon as Doctrinal and Moral Norm.”
Lecture at SS Gregory & Augustine, Oxford, UK, October 26, 2018.
“The Roman Canon: Touchstone and Transmitter of the Catholic Faith,” Lecture for Una Voce New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM, September 23, 2018.
“Tradition as Ultimate Norm: Clearing up Confusion about Essentials and Incidentals,” Lecture for Una Voce New Mexico, Albuquerque Hyatt, Albuquerque, NM, September 22, 2018.
“Useful Repetition in Holy Mass and the Divine Office: Questioning the Assumptions of Sacrosanctum Concilium 34.” Presented at the Fota XI International Liturgy Conference, July 9, 2018.
“‘I Have Kept to Arduous Paths’: An Address in Honor of Bishop Athanasius Schneider.” Society of St. Dominic, Regina Sacratissimi Rosarii Award Galas, Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 29, 2018.
“The Supreme Expression of the Lex Orandi: Twelve Truths of Faith Transmitted by the Roman Canon.” St. Clement Parish, 50th Anniversary Celebration, St. Paul’s University, Ottawa, Canada, Saturday, May 26, 2018.
“Im Herzen des katholischen Gottesdienstes: Zwölf Glaubenswahrheiten im römischen Kanon.” Pro Missa Tridentina Jahreshaputversammlung, in Bamberg, Germany, April 21, 2018.
“Tradition Reviled and Recovered: A Study of False Assumptions about Substance and Accident.” Presented at the Great Room of the St. Laurent Condominium in Naples, Florida, on February 24, 2018; at Monastero di San Bendetto in Monte, May 8, 2018, and at Silverstream Priory, July 13, 2018.
“The Spirit of the Liturgy in the Words and Actions of Our Lady.” Conference to the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, in Gower, Missouri, August 18, 2017.
“Liturgical Obedience, the Imitation of Christ, and the Seductions of Autonomy.” Presented at the Albertus Magnus Center for Scholastic Studies Summer Program, Norcia, Italy, July 4, 2017, and at Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, County Meath, Ireland, July 18, 2017.
“Two ‘Forms’ of the Roman Rite: Liturgical Fact or Legal Fiction?” Lecture at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Norwalk, Connecticut, June 27, 2017.
“Verehrung allein ist nicht genug: Über die Bedeutung der Tradition.” Address at the 18. Kölner Internationale Liturgische Tagung 2017, March 31, 2017, Herzogenrath, Germany; repeated at the Studientag sponsored by Una Voce Austria, April 2, 2017, Vienna, Austria.
“The Spirit of the Liturgy in the Words and Actions of Our Lady.” Plenary Address for the Vancouver Traditional Mass Society/Una Voce Canada Annual General Meeting, November 12, 2016.
“The Spirit of the Liturgy in the Words and Actions of Our Lady.” Lecture at Tyniec Abbey, Cracow, Poland, October 17, 2016.
“Ten Reasons to Attend the Traditional Latin Mass.” Lecture at Dominican Priory, Olomouc, Czech Republic, October 15, 2016.
“Reverence Is Not Enough: On the Importance of Tradition.” Lecture at Strahov Abbey, Prague, Czech Republic, for the launch of the Czech edition of my book Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis, October 14, 2016.
“Divine Wisdom, Natural Order, and Human Intervention: Leibniz on the Intersection of Theology, Teleology, and Technology.” Lecture at the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Prague, Czech Republic, October 14, 2016.
“The Sacrifice of Praise and the Ecstatic Orientation of Man.” Presented at Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, County Meath, Ireland, July 28, 2016. [German translation: “Das Opfer des Lobes—oder Der Mensch orientiert sich am Ekstatischen,” Dominus Vobiscum, n. 14 (March 2017): 4–17.]
“The Christian Liturgy as Sacrificium Laudis in the Epistle to the Hebrews.” Presented at the Albertus Magnus Center for Scholastic Studies Summer Program, Norcia, Italy, July 18, 2016.