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Why should the Church take an interest in social life per se? Because the human person she teaches, rules, and sanctifies is social by nature, and Christ, true God and true man, came to save the whole man in his totality.”

The Catholic Church has the richest body of teaching on social ethics that the world has ever known. The wisdom of pagan sages and Christian saints forms the basis of her analysis of family, culture, politics, and economics. To make this doctrine, at once profound and practical, better known and more fully embraced has been one of Dr. Kwasniewski’s consistent goals as a teacher and writer. The difficulties in embracing it are formidable, as modernity has taken the form of an assault, at times openly violent, at times secretive and subtle, against the lived Catholic synthesis of reason and faith, nature and grace, state and church, individual dignity and the common good. An exposition of Catholic Social Teaching inevitably involves interpretation of history and opens out onto large vistas of metaphysics, psychology, and anthropology.

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A Reader in Catholic Social Teaching: From Syllabus Errorum to Deus Caritas Est (Cluny Media, 2017)

Edited, annotated, and with a Preface by Peter Kwasniewski.


Note that this volume contains a fresh and much more accurate translation, by Dr. Michael Pakaluk, of Vatican II’s Dignitatis Humanae. To learn more about A Reader in Catholic Social Teaching, read this interview, published at First Things here


An Economics of Justice and Charity: Catholic Social Teaching, Its Development and Contemporary Relevance (Angelico Press, 2017)

Authored by Thomas Storck, with a Foreword by Peter Kwasniewski (pp. xi–xv). 


Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy (The Scarecrow Press, 2007)

Ed. Michael L. Coulter, Stephen M. Krason, Richard S. Myers, Joseph A. Varacalli.


Entries by Peter Kwasniewski on: aristocracy (pp. 50–52); civil liberties (195–96); Divini Illius Magistri (313–14); Divini Redemptoris (314–16); equality-inequality (366–68); freedom of speech (443–45); Freemasonry (447–49); Libertas Praestantissimum (634–36); Pacem in Terris (782–85); Pope Leo XIII (846–48); social encyclicals (978–81); Summi Pontificatus (1046–47); Syllabus of Errors (1047–49); universal destination of goods (1098–1101).

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